Wednesday this week I had a rather
blokey day and I blame it all on Varsity
Now for those of you not in the know
Varsity is when my uni, Staffordshire, take on our rivals, Keele, in numerous amounts of sports and whoever
wins the most, wins Varsity and obviously the title of the best uni.
And this year was my first Varsity and our uni was playing host.
I got there ready to watch the end of men's hockey. And it wasn't good news. We were
losing and losing badly.
So my
loyalty to Staffs kicked in and I thought it was about time to put my
big mouth to some use for once. And I started chanting.
Not only that, but I started an
argument with Keele's goalkeeper, which centred around the fact he was, lets say obese, although those were not the words I chose to use at the time.
I shan't repeat what I said incase my mother reads this, but I can trust you all to use your
The final whistle eventually blew. We lost and the obese goalkeeper threw a
gesture in my direction and ran off, or should I say wobble off, to join the rest of his team.
I was annoyed to say the least. So off we went to the toilet to go vent about the
Keelites. And on said journey a friend told me to have some of their beer to calm down.
Now I'm
not a beer drinker, but I wasn't in a position to turn down alcohol. So I knocked some back and off we went to find the next sport to chant to.
But on our way out of the toilets, we heard some shouting, and this shouting was
At that moment in time we all looked at each other and we all knew what had to be done. We had to go up to wherever the shouting was coming from and chant
'STAFFS!' louder. So off we ran.
We didn't know where we were going or what sport it was but we knew
our uni needed us!
And it was women's basketball. And
we were winning. I was smiling already. But Keele were putting up a good fight which didn't please me much. So I kept knicking some more of my mate's beer.
And as I took a swig, I noticed something that brought a
massive smile to my face and a whole load of new chants to the table.
One of the girls from Keele's team was the spitting image of
Panda from Skins. Now for those of you not in the know, which I'm hoping is very few, this is Panda.

And in Skins she plays the
idiot of the group, so you can imagine my delight as this came to mind. I then proceeded to tell everyone I was with about it.
My next move was to chant
'WHIZZZER!' as loud as I possibly could. And it soon caught on. It was an amazing game, and we won. Even better, 'Panda' looked
fuming, which kept the smile on my face.
We then moved on to mens rugby. And on the way I was thinking of as many chants and insults as I possibly could, all in the name of
support for Staffs of course.
When we got there however, I needn't have bothered. There was a girl with a
megaphone just constantly shouting abuse at a guy from Keele and she was amazing! But we lost.
So again, the beer was
knocked back to console ones self as we trecked back over to womens hockey. And we lost that also, so another
beer was sunk down.
We were losing 6-5 and we only had mens basketball and football left. We had to win basketball to level it to even have a chance to win. So we quickly grabbed
another beer and ran upto the gym.
And the atmosphere was nothing short of immense. Chants were rife and Staffs were leading. Eventually the game ended and
we won. We were even and it was down to the football.
Happy Sev. So then we cracked more beers for celebration. I think its fair to say at this point I was pretty under the influence.
But I didn't care, we were going to win varsity and the night ahead of us was going to be
amazing.And we eventually won the football and in turn won Varsity -
WHOOPA!And it's probably the most blokey day I've ever had in my life. I
drank beer which I never ever do,
watched sports which I rarely do these days and last but not least, I practically become a
sports hooligan with the amounts of arguments I got into!!
Blokey Ass Bird oh yes..
Listening to:
Oasis - She's Electric