Now I'm not particularly bothered by this fact, I'm quite happy by myself, I mean, it's been that way since forever. And it's not the fact that I feel unloved or whatever, because to be honest, I couldn't give a shit, perhaps a big reason why I am single.
What I really dislike about today is that it's the one day a year that points out how increadibly sad my life is at points. The worst thing used to be getting presents and cards off my dad, a blatent pity vote.

But I mean it's sort of in his contract to love me, I am his only daughter after all, so getting stuff off my dad has become normal and I sort of expect it now.
But, my life officially took a desperate turn when I woke this morning to open a card, now wait for this, from my CAT.
Now I wish to make clear I don't own a genius animal, it was simply written by my mother, who then proceeded to torture poor Snowball into making a rather smudged and not very clear paw print at the bottom. But the scariest thing, it was made out to MUM.
So, I feel my life has finally took a turn where even my parents and perhaps maybe even the cat herself, are taking pity in my lack of Valentines action. Even to the point where they feel the need to refer to my cat as my CHILD in order to make me feel better.
I mean, it's bad enough I get weekly, sometimes even daily grief off particular friends in my life (you know who you are) but for my mum and dad to take pity, it's a sad turn.
Oh and wait for it, because it doesn't end there, yes, I can actually get more sad, who would have thought it. Because I was also informed that I am to spend a Valentine's meal with, my mum and dad. And don't go 'awww'.
Now, I love the old rents to pieces, but this does not mean I wish to play third wheel to their romantic meal. And I know it's serious, because they're setting the table, and the table only gets pulled out at Christmas, when relatives we thought were dead appear and when and if, the Queen would decide to decend upon the Big W.
And to be honest, I'm surprised I've not been left on the couch, because as anyone who knows me will tell you, I'm about as romantic as the grim reaper.
So, anyone, anywhere, do help and please say I'm not the only sad focker gatecrashing their parents Valentine's Day?? Please....?
Listening To: The GO! Team - Huddle Formation
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