This happens only every now and again, but last night it reared it's head once more. And where did this mood take me? The park. At midnight.
So off me and some mates go, to make the massive trip across the road, but on our travels we came across a discovery. This wonder was a trolley.

Now as I'm sure any teenager, student or really crazy people will know, the sense of excitement you feel when you come across a lone trolley in the middle of nowhere is immense.
So of course, we grabbed the trolley and off we went. Now me being the dick I am, volunteer to actually get into the trolley while it is pushed, who does this please?
Now it was always going to happen, and I knew it would, but not quite as epically as it did. I was to fall out.
And I did, whilst the trolley was balancing on a mini trampoline. Oh how I was never going to win that battle. And I have the sore kidneys to prove it.
It offered some humour to the evening so I was happy with that.
But the sad act didn't end there. Oh no. We then proceeded to play on every piece of park equipment in existence. Even the baby parks.
And then, the really sad thing happened. We went on a ghost hunt.
Bear in mind this is a park right slap bang in the middle of a massive housing estate, probably the last place ghost's would wish to reside.
But it didn't stop us shitting ourselves up. We knocked on doors, screamed and ran away from flashing lights. Not what I hear normal twenty somethings get up to.
But it's all good, because we have plans to Ouiji Board it in the Band Stand on Friday 13th. And just think Britain, we are your future. =D
Listening to: White Lies - To Lose My Life
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