Quote of the Week

History is merely gossip..

28 March 2009

Blackened Blue Eyes..

I think possibly I have finally out-done myself in terms of stupidness. Yes, I too am suprised it's took me this long.

I woke up the other morning with a soaking wet pillow, kitchen roll stuck to the side of my face and when I finally dragged myself out of bed, a black eye. Oh yes.

And here it is in the later stages of it's life, bearing in mind it has faded!


As the previous night before on a great night out, a drunken friend of mine, who was drunker than me before you think/ask, came over to hug me but instead just sort of rugby tackled me, lost his balance and took me down with him.

And drunken me decided to cushion the blow with my face, great idea.

I got dragged up off the floor by my lovely friend Helen and the laughs circulated as usual. But about 2 minutes later as I was dancing there was something in my vision which I couldn't figure out what it was.

As I wear contact lenses I thought perhaps maybe as I fell, my contact had shifted awkwardly.

So as I went to sort it I felt this funny thing on my head. Shock soon set in when I realised it the funny thing on my head and the strange thing in my vision were both infact, my head.

I told a few friends about it and asked them what it looked like. Views were split, they either laughed or looked horrified.

And within about a minute I had a new nickname, Quasimodo and my bump had been Christened Bobby the Bump.

Then I seemed to turn into some sort of circus freak as people around me kept beckoning others to come look at me. Bear in mind this whole time I'm still pretty alcoholed up and can't understand what all the fuss is about and all I wanna do is dance.

As the days passed, my eye has got worse and worse and shows no sign of dissapearing anytime soon!!

Even the other night when I went out again to celebrate the anniversary of Bobby the Bumps birth, I thought I had done a good cover up job, only to see the pictures the next day and see the black eye was obvious in every single one!

I am officially an utter stunner am I not? aha!

Listening to: Lily Allen - It's Not Fair

1 comment:

  1. Ok, So I gave it the name, but in my defence that thing was so big it deserved a name! I've never seen anything like that! Oh Jay Seville, Only you, Only You. xxxx


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