The pub is called The Albert Hotel and it's your basic bog standard pub that only regulars dare enter.
And I don't know why it has Hotel at the end of the name though, coz it's the last place you'd stay over night! Actually see for yourself!

Anyway, I was back and after some serious tippage as the purse strings had snapped and washed away a long time ago.
Now you may be thinking that a female pint puller would have no trouble getting tips. Wrong.
Because this just wasn't any female pint puller, it was me.

I'm female yes, but there isn't much else that is particularly feminine about me. I grew up with my older brother as my main influence and I feel because of this, I'm more boy-like than I should be.
I also have a rather big mouth on me, so when I get grief from customers, they get a load back. Not a good way to charm them into giving you their money.
And before you think it, my chest is not of a proportion that would goad any male into forking over tippage.
So basically, I had to come up with a plan to get the tips flowing. And this I'm slightly ashamed to admit, was to flutter the eyelashes and be a girly girl for the evening. Hard times.
But, it did work. So I don't know what is more sad, the fact that I sold out and became a total full on female for the evening for money (hooker much?), or that men in pubs actually fork out extra money if there's a younger face that laughs at their really bad jokes??
Please tell me it's the latter people...
Listening to: Snow Patrol - Crazy in Love
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