Quote of the Week

History is merely gossip..

06 April 2009

Chef Sev??

Okay, so before now I have talked about my lack of cooking ability/skill, and I think today I proved that I am infact totally incapable of feeding myself!

You see, today dear Mummy Sev left me in charge of her home-made chicken soup, because she got called into her recently burnt down work to help clean up.

So she gave me instructions with what to do, which basically consisted of keep stirring it as it boils and when the barley has cooked through move it onto the other ring on a lower temperature.

Simple enough yes?

Not simple enough for me. In less than an hour since dear Mummy Sev's departure I had managed to burn it.

Yes, I BURNT soup. Please someone tell me they've done this?? Please??

So I'm thinking I should start a search for a person who is willing to look after me forever and ever and cook and feed me for the same period of time.

Any volunteers before I do this to a kitchen near you soon??


Listening to: Switches - Drama Queen


  1. There's only two people in this world are capable of burning soup Jay. One of which is you, and the other one's your mum! :D

  2. hahahahaaaaaaaa! Jay! I love this blog

  3. should probably stick to the tinned stuff really
    though if you burn a tin of soup I want to see a pic!

  4. there was a tin of soup in it if that counts?? and i've been known to burn microchips in the past!
    this is why i need looking after, its a desperate search!! aha!

  5. Classic Jay cooking there ladies and gentlemen!! =)

  6. i'm not letting you near my kitchen, lol!
    that's actually worse than me,hehehe.

  7. thats chris hulme by the way... i'm incapable of using computers!

  8. Jeremy Bentham7 April 2009 at 21:41

    I would love to look after you!

  9. so not only did your mum have a burnt work to clean up she also had a burnt kitchen to clean up startin to think you should come with a health warning!

  10. this has scared me,
    from letting you cook me a meal jay!


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