Quote of the Week

History is merely gossip..

17 April 2009

Happy Forty Thirteenth Mummy Sev!

As you may have guessed from the title, yesterday was my mum's birthday, her forty-thirteenth birthday, not the 53 otherwise you get a swift kick in the shin!

But anyway, we decided to celebrate the day by going for a meal and some drinks at our local pub The Eight Towers.

And as it happened, it was the pub's weekly quiz night, so with a few drinks in us we were all up for the challenge.

So we tried our bestest and we did reasonably well, 43 out of 55 and the winners got 47, so we were quite pleased.

I personally was very happy because I got a sport's question right which my dad didn't know and a few that were about things that happened before I was born.

After the quiz it was time for the usual The Price is Right, so we had our raffle ticket ready to let Mummy 'Birthday Girl' Sev win us some beer.

But, well, it didn't quite go to plan. And here is a video of us being very bad losers. This is the now infamous rent Daddy Sev with a few bottles of wine in him and being rather bitter about the Sev's luck and generally being a bad sport!!

Feel Free To Play Along!!

Maybe now you'll understand why I'm the way I am with half of this man's genes being me!!!

Listening to: Lady GaGa - Beautiful Dirty Rich


  1. Ha ha ha i havent seen Ian that drunk in a good while!! the birthday girl was quiter than normal to! p.s- you obviously havent done any cameraman courses on ur bj course! im as dizzy as i predict daddy sev was when he got to bed! xx

    Jock AKA the other sev bro

  2. Dad, your a plonker! Some things don't change - we#hen have ever won anything - oh sorry I won tickets to see the queen mum before she departed!!!




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